Empowering real estate agents with real AI

Sign up today and unlock the full power of AI to elevate your game and close more deals.


Generate Property Listings

Generate listings 5x faster than manual listing creation.

Visualize Remodeling

Visualize endless remodeling options with generative AI.

And more advanced AI services exclusively from MyPropPal

See it in Action

How it Works

  1. 1.Simply enter the property address and upload images to get started.
  2. 2.Our proprietary AI technology automatically detects and identifies key features of the property.
  3. 3.Within seconds, generate a captivating property description, compile a detailed list of features compliant with RESO standards, and unlock a world of interior design and remodeling possibilities for you and your clients to explore. And more...

What Agents are Saying

"MyPropPal is mind-blowing; it allows my clients to instantly visualize various kitchen styles post-renovation. Those images help my clients make quick decisions."
Danthika Borst
Associate broker: Keller William Atlanta Partners
"MyPropPal's automated listing feature is a game-changer. It's fast, efficient, and a must-have for any serious real estate team. Highly recommend!"
Nic Dixon
Agent: Nic, The Realtors & Associates
"MyPropPal's AI features automate and streamline my daily job, a must-have."
Rich Clarke
Agent: Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

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